Mess Crowd Detection Android Application
We often want to generally go to mess at some time when it is less crowdy so we can get sitting easily. Sometimes we even want to order something special from the mess during it's canteen time. So how to do do these things from your mobile phone ?
Developed an app for accessing the crowd status in IIT Jammu mess, analyzed the video to get the count of members utilizing mess at a particular time. This app provides real-time information about the mess. User can book some special food (if possible) for the guest.
The Mess Application was built using android studio . A registeration page for a new user for registeration followed by user login to authenticate the user . A Dynamic menu(which shows the Breakfast , lunch and dinner of current day) which keeps changing according to calender, mess menu of whole week was attached, in addition to it contact support for the user was also provided . User can place orders on the required date and time. Firebase database was used as backend database which keeps track of real time data access and authentication . To implement counting of number of people in mess we used firebase’s ML-developer kit which helped us to count the number of people currently in mess.
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